Tuesday, March 27, 2012

First thing's first

I decided to join the world of Etsy. I had been thinking about it on and off, and finally decided to try it out after finding myself with a shortage of funds. So far, so good. I need to work on my photos - I'm usually good at taking close-ups, but these seem blurry. Also, I thought I had enough light, but they ended up looking dim. Especially since everyone else on Etsy photographs their items on white backgrounds :P Anyways, here's my shop!

My first set of listings are not as awesome as I had hoped. I tried to set prices based on how the items ranked in my opinion of what I liked most. I really like the paper cut-outs, though those were just something random I did. I need to work on my penmanship if I'm going to go that route and not use stamps for lettering. I will make a cooler banner in the future - this is just one I threw together in a few minutes.

Several things I realized in the process of creating this shop:
  • It's a lot more effort than I imagined
  • To really get reasonable profit, I will need to work on cutting down time while increasing product quality
  • Advertising is going to be hard, I think
  • My store probably needs some kind of theme, and despite the overall cutesy-ness, I make a variety of things in various styles. I'd hate to be a one-trick pony though. Perhaps I will have "collections" or "series."

Introductory Post

A new blog in my life - I intend to use this blog to feature things I've made, whether food or crafts. I may also post about other things...but I'm not really sure what yet, haha. Welcome!