Sunday, June 9, 2013

Acorn Squash Puree

Long time, no post! But, here I am, attempting to get back in the saddle. As you might be able to tell, I am in a new kitchen! I moved end of last year to Texas for work. Hopefully if I set up "blog" night again, that will help me get back on track. We'll see! In any case, today I made acorn squash lasagna. Before I post about that, I must post about making acorn squash puree. I first made this with a CSA squash, but this last time with store-bought ones. Making puree is pretty easy. For these squashes, I just cut in half, placed cut-side down on a parchment lined baking sheet that had a rim, and baked for 30 minutes at 425F in the oven. This post just shows one squash, but I baked 2 which made 5 cups of puree.

 Here's the squash, cut in half. One has been seeded using a spoon.

Placed face-down on a parchment-lined baking sheet.

Here they are after 30 minutes - you can see they are slightly browned on the top ridges.

Here's the cut side after baking. You should be able to easily stick a fork in when they're ready.
The flesh is soft enough you can easily scoop out with a spoon.
Get every last bit!

Filled my little food processor halfway, and pureed!

I wasn't in the mood to use it right away, so stuck in the freezer in plastic containers.

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